I would like to welcome 2010 with open arms... This past year has been one of hardwork, choices, sacrafices, saddness and happiness. That is all in the past now.
A few quilting things that I would like to do this year are:1. Finish all the wip's on my list, finally.
2. Make a quilt for my bed, yep mine!
3. Write out my original designs like a real pattern for record keeping.
4. Keep a log or journal in addition to this blog for my quilting.
5. Enter a quilt in the county fair.
I could go on and on but these will do for now. I hope you all are enjoying this cold weather. I work in the propane business and this time of the year is very busy for us. Keeps the days going by quickly but not a lot of time for quilting. There is always tomorrow!